Thursday, August 7, 2008

Holy Misrepresentin' Batman!

So I realized today that I may have erred in my writing of the previous post. It isn't me, while it does represent a part of me. I guess it is the dramatic part at times. I don't often feel compelled to write out of feelings of joy (which I do have quite often), instead I often feel compelled to write out of feelings that many would consider negative (which I consider to be such at times, but also prods, or convictions, or frustrations coming from a desire for greater things, and a knowledge that the possibility of greatness is not enough to spur it into existence). Some emotions seem to cause introspection more then others. I guess I am saying that this blog could easily be very lopsided, something that I will have to keep an eye on, even with this addition as a disclaimer of sorts... Smile!

Listening to whatever pops up in random in my iTunes, New Hampshire by Jason Reeves as I type this off of an impressively (all be it not so sunnily) titled album, The Magnificent Adventures of Heartache.


Divine in the Daily EJPhotography said...

i've attempted to keep a journal at several points in my life.

With each attempt, i noticed that i'd mostly record the bad, hard, or negative things in my life. I really didn't like that about my journals, so i stopped. I do think that the journaling experience was helpful to me, overall... yet, it wasn't the kind of written record i wanted to keep around for the world to see - i didn't think the journals really represented me.

i haven't journaled in a long time

brad said...

This is what I am talkin' about! I have a lot of journals, I used to do it during what would have to be described as "phases". At any rate, we'll see what comes here. Sometimes I don't get motivated enough to say anything if it isn't out loud, you know? Thus an online posting system... I honestly didn't think that anyone would read these, and you very well may be the only one, but just knowing someone "could" read them has an interesting effect on my psyche so for now, this is it... and it certainly isn't a look deep into the chasm, more like a first step... And then I thought maybe I would try to be a little lighter/creative with another blog, the other one attached to my profile. I do have thoughts that I find entertaining or make me smile, almost like inside jokes with myself. It seems like it has been a while since anyone was around enough to have an inside joke with others, but that is slowly changing...

Anyway, thanks Joe. I am glad to count you as a friend. I don't know if I have told you that, but I know I have thought it before...